
Spanishmodelandactress.,ElsaPataky,alsoknownasElsaLafuenteMedianu,isaSpanishmodelandactressknownforherrolesinTheFastandtheFuriousfranchiseandtheTidelands ...,維基百科,自由的百科全書.埃爾莎·拉弗恩特·梅迪亞努(英語:,1976年7月18日...Quickfacts:埃爾莎·帕塔奇ElsaPataky,女藝人,本名,國籍,出生...▽.埃爾莎 ...,埃爾莎·拉弗恩特·梅迪亞努(英語:ElsaLafuenteMedianu,1976年7月18日—),藝名埃爾莎·巴塔奇(...

Elsa Pataky

Spanish model and actress.

Elsa Pataky | Matthew Reilly Wiki

Elsa Pataky, also known as Elsa Lafuente Medianu, is a Spanish model and actress known for her roles in The Fast and the Furious franchise and the Tidelands ...


維基百科,自由的 百科全書. 埃爾莎·拉弗恩特·梅迪亞努(英語:,1976年7月18日 ... Quick facts: 埃爾莎·帕塔奇Elsa Pataky, 女藝人, 本名, 國籍, 出生... ▽. 埃爾莎 ...


埃爾莎·拉弗恩特·梅迪亞努(英語:Elsa Lafuente Medianu,1976年7月18日—),藝名埃爾莎·巴塔奇(英語:Elsa Pataky),西班牙模特、演員和電影製片人。

Elsa Pataky

Elsa Lafuente Medianu , known professionally as Elsa Pataky, is a Spanish model and actress. Pataky is known for her role as Elena Neves in the Fast ...


埃爾莎·拉弗恩特·梅迪亞努(英語:Elsa Lafuente Medianu,1976年7月18日—),藝名埃爾莎·巴塔奇(英語:Elsa Pataky),西班牙模特、演員和電影製片人。

Elsa Pataky News | Photos | Quotes | Video | Wiki

Pataky is best known for her role as Elena Neves in Fast Five (2011), Fast & Furious 6 (2013) and Furious 7 (2015). She has appeared in the films Snakes on a ...

Elsa Pataky | Cinemorgue Wiki

Later (maybe only in the unrated version?), she is killed permanently by decapitation (off-screen). The movie ends with a closeup shot of her decapitated body, ...